May You Renew You!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on

Season 4 Episode 31

Take this as a wish, goal or a challenge!

Let’s review where we are in our dating life? I mean we are not getting any younger, right? I am constantly reminded by that but I am not giving up on me or you. In fact, Lux and I have consider ways to put the spark back into our dating life.

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We are seriously looking into learning how AI will impact our life in the months ahead and in the much more distant future. That doesn’t mean we are giving up on Dirty Bathwater. Nah, there is still plenty of stuff to try and talk about with regards to dating after 50. So why give up yet or ever? I believe we can get better as we get older. Just remember we are all getting older every day, even if some of us have had a head start. Let’s begin to rethink our life this May, if I may continue….

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

May is a good month to reflect on your dating life.  It’s always Mom’s favorite month and it holds promise for dating renewal.  Or let’s put it this way, we start thinking about how nice the weather is, rather than whether we will ever hook up with anyone.   I know that I feel invincible in the summer because there are so many pleasant distractions.    This is especially true if you like the outdoors.   So whenever you get lonely, take a walk with your pet, someone else’s pet or just yourself. 

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Lux has been moping around this spring, trying to meet a woman who understands him.   I think we look for that special someone to complete us.  In reality, the only one who can complete us – is us.    I hope that you dig deeply into yourself this summer and find out what makes you happy.  I think January 1st is too cold to seriously consider any major changes in our life.  I think May would be a better time of the year to concentrate on the renewal of your mind, body and soul.   

Photo by Keegan Checks on

My advice is to find the nearest lounge chair and chill into the early evening hours.  Take some time with the most wonderful person you will ever meet!  You!  You are truly unique, wise with years and all you need is a bit of confidence in yourself   As you begin to adjust your self-image, others will notice – and soon enough there will be someone sitting in the pool chair near you.   

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May you have a wonderful time hanging out with you and whomever you meet in your journey to self-discovery.    I know I am going to be working on me this summer and I hope to see you, perhaps soon in the real!

If you need to chat, please drop us a line at

Giddy 🙂 Lux (still moping)

Published by Giddy Jaden (with Jean-Lux Basquiat)

Writer, Motivational Speaker, Platinum-haired Professional Gal (if i don't like me, who will?)- just can't find a decent guy. Open to chats. Join me for Dirty Bathwater: Dating after 50 with co-host Jean-Lux Basquiat, a French-Swedish Latino (Cancer), is a lover of all women. Yes he can whisper Swedish into your ear. He is four times divorced, and has 3 sons. He shares the same birthday as Tom Hanks, but that is where the similarity ends between him and his mentor. Lux is an artist, writer, and producer. He’s a stand-up comedian, and has played the romantic lead in a few soap operas in Europe and Asia. He is an excellent listener, but has his share of comments about dating. He's been through the wringer so to speak. He's traveled internationally, with a family and career that has taken him around the world. and you might have seen him on the big and small screen. Drop us a line!

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